Welcome to Smiley Recommends
This is the place where we share equipment we’ve found useful or great independent locations for services, food and/or entertainment in and around the greater St. Louis area. Enjoy!
Smiley: Review
As everyone is familiar with the five star review styling of ridesharing, here at smiley sharing, we are going to review using a one through five Smiley system.
Ridesharing St. Louis: Destinations
Smiley Reviews: Missouri Botanical Garden (5/5)
Smiley Reviews: Vernon’s Barbecue and Catering (5/5)
Smiley Reviews: World’s Fair Donuts (5/5) *
Smiley Reviews: NAMI RAMEN (4/5)
Smiley Reviews: Guerrilla Street Food (4/5)
Smiley Reviews: Hi-Point Drive In (3/5)
Smiley Rideshare Driver: Destinations & Equipment Reviews
Smiley Reviews: Falcon Zero-F360 Dash Camera (5/5)
Smiley Reviews: Tipsters Tip Cup (5/5)
Smiley Rideshare: St. Louis Uber Driver Simple Oil Change
Smiley Recommends: Products for Your Business

Smiley Products
Smiley Sharing: Smiley’s Favorite Products -Amazon Store
If you would like 🙂 and his team of cohorts to recommend a product or a place, there will be a form available to get in touch with us. You can also get in touch with us through email, Facebook, or Twitter. We look forward to hearing from you!