Smiley St. Louis Uber Ridesharing: Destinations, Recommendations and Reviews
Smiley: Reviews
As everyone is familiar with the 5 stars review styling of ridesharing, here at smiley sharing, our reviews will be using a one through five Smiley system.
Tipsters Tip Cup (5/5) 

8177 S. Harvard #622
Tulsa, OK 74137
(918) 932-9366
Web: Tipsters Tip Cup
Tipsters Tip Cup: St. Louis Ridesharing Equipment Review
Today, Michael will be reviewing the Tipsters Tip Cup. The tip cup was sent to us because [manufacturer] wanted us to try it out and give an honest review in exchange for the cup. Michael has wanted a tip receptacle for a while now, so this was a two-for-one bonus for us.
Tipsters Tip Cup: Arrival
The Tipsters Tip Cup was sent by priority mail, and it arrived in perfect condition. Setup was easy—I just had to find a place to put it and make sure that it was close enough to my USB hub for the lights on the cup to have power. It has seven different light combinations I could choose from, or I could have it flash through the seven colors at a speed of my choosing.
Tipsters Tip Cup: Pros and Cons
The cup was a size that made it difficult to fit in a regular cup holder, so I had to put in the larger cup holder at the front of the fan. Unfortunately, the size of the cup makes it difficult for anyone sitting in the front passenger seat to use the climate controls for their section of the van.
While the setting that switched out the colors was fun and created a festive atmosphere in the van for some, it didn’t have the same effect for others. One passenger admitted that the flashing lights of the tip cup made her feel a little anxious because they tricked her mind into thinking there was a police car with its lights on behind us.
Other than causing some passengers some concern when the cup was on the flashing lights setting, it did grab passengers’ attention and remind them to tip.
At first, I thought it might be hard to get the tips out; you do have to remove it from the cup holder and reach in to retrieve your cash, but it wasn’t as difficult as I originally thought it would be.
Since the cup has a short cable and can’t be put in a standard-sized cup holder, options for how to place the cup were extremely limited. In my case, the only cup holder that would accommodate it was in the very front of my van. Not being able to put the tip cup further in the back makes it more difficult for passengers in the middle or rear seats of my van to tip.
Tipsters Tip Cup: A St. Louis Ridesharing Equipment Summary
Overall the jar is of a good quality; it’s made of clear, durable PVC plastic. On the side is a sticker that says, “Tips are Appreciated. The light switch mechanism is definitely top grade and easy to use.
Smiley and I will continue to check the success of the tip jar. We’re giving it a week trial, and we’ll share the results of that trial. At this point, both the Lyft app and the tip jar have run about the same; now, the Lyft app has $15 in tips and the tip jar has $17 in tips. The tip jar is beating the Lyft by two dollars, but more importantly, I am receiving tips from Uber riders more consistently, since before, it would be hit or miss.
Tipsters Tip Cup (5/5) 

After a week of using the tip jar, I’ve noticed that the tipping ratio has increased; in fact, the Uber tips have been larger than the Lyft tips.
Overall, Smiley definitely recommends the tip jar! You can find a link to it below.
Web: Tipsters Tip Cup
Smiley Sharing Reviews: A Manufacture’s Follow-up
After posting this review, the manufacture of the tipsters tips cup reached back out to Michael. They wanted to follow-up and address some of the concerns expressed above. We find this direct support/customer service to be a tall drink of cold water in the desert that is the common ride share app driver support! Below is the direct response from the manufacturer. This extra mile effort only confirms our 5 smiley rating; thank-you and enjoy.
Smiley Sharing Reviews: The Tipsters Company Response and Guarantee
I would like to thank Michel for such a wonderful review. Smiley Sharing does a wonderful job of providing support and information to the driving community.
As a part owner of tipsters, I want to reach out and assure the consumer that the product will fit comfortably in 99% of all vehicles. If it does not we have a couples of solutions. If those do not work we also have a 10 day money back guarantee, minus shipping.
We are drivers, helping drivers to earn more in an economy where tips were discouraged for a long time and we want to help make that wrong right for you the driver.
-Larry Lacy
Read More: Tipsters Tip Cup Reviews
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